Concierge Service
We offer to all travelers an exclusive 24/7 concierge service who takes care of all the details of their trip and advise them at all times so that they can enjoy the time of their trip to the fullest.
We have methodologies within the company that guarantee us day to day at the forefront in terms of products and services.
The basis of our operation is based on communication, the first aimed at our partners who help us in the sales process, where they We offer all our communication channels to meet your requests for the most agile way in a minimum time of 24 hours for your FITs quotes and 48 hours for vacation segment groups. For the Meetings segment all projects has a Senior Project Manager certified in Incentives and Meetings (CIS, CMS) that will manage the projects from start to finish.
knowledge transmission
As we are a purely B2B company and our clients are Operators of Tourism or Meeting Planners, we know that we are their right hand in Colombia, that is why we have put at your disposal tools that allow advise in a way very objective and market very quickly, the products and destinations that we operate. For this we share our KnowHow through Banco de Fotos Own, Flyers and editable programs, technical sheets that remunerate our inspections to hotels, restaurants and locations, Videos of activities, among others, that allow our partners to sell Colombia more easily.
Impeccable Operation
The greatest reward for our company is to have the satisfaction of the travelers who use our services, that is why all our processes are intended to guarantee said satisfaction, from the selection of transportation, hotels, guides and places to visit, the constant evaluations we make of the themselves and the immediate response to disagreements make these levels of satisfaction are always above 94%.